Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today am going to talk about Camels. There are variouse types of camels one of them is the Bactrian camel and another well known is the Arabian camel. A bcaterian camel live in Central and East Asias rocky deserts. You can tell the diffrence because a bactarian has two humps on its back. These two humps are used to store fat. The arabian camel only has one hump were it also stores fat. Both these camels use their stored fat as energy and water when they are far away from food or water sources. Even thought camels can travel long distances in hot conditions without drinking water. They can survive without drinking water for weeks. Storing fat in their humps helps camels not get hot and travel longer distances. At times camels can drink up to 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes. Camels also shed during diffrent seasons, during the winter it has a thick coat to protect them from the cold as the temperature changes so does their fur. Bacterian camels get to be 6.5 feet tall and have wide-toed hoofs and big flat footpads that prevent them form sinking in snow or sand.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bull Shark

Most people are scared of sharks. I can understand why. But not all sharks are aggresive. The Bull shark is the most dangerous sharks in the world. This is because their also one of the most aggresive type of shark. These sharks live in ocean and can also be seen in shorelines, they tend to hunt were people swim, that can explain why they are seen near shorlines. Bull sharks are not known for hunting people but if they are mistaken for a big fish than its not thei lucky day. These sharks eat everything but mostly fishes. Dolphins, sea turtules, and sometimes other sharks are in this sharks menu. Mostly they will hunt during the night. Bull sharks are known for budding its prey before attacking thats the reason its a bull shark.


Anacondas are one of the most feared creatures in the forest because of their sharp teeth. Anacondas are found in tropics of South America and along the amazon river. The anaconda is the largest snake in the world. It can be as long as 30 feet and weigh up to 550 pounds. Most people fear anacondas because of their sharp teeth and venom but what they dont know is that anocondas dont kill their prey by injecting venom threw a bite. Anocandas are family of snakes called constrictors. Constrictors kill their prey by wrapping their huge long body around the other animal until they stop breathing. Anocondas mouth are able to swallow their prey because its able to open its mouth really wide. Most of the time anocondas are in water were they live and attack their prey. Sometimes it will come out to land but its rear. Anocondas are nocturnal and hunt diring night. Most of these snakes get to live up to 10 years.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Zebras are like horses just with black and white stripes indeed they belong to the horse family. Zebras live in Parts of Africa. Each zebra has its own unique pattern of strips just like humans have diffrent fingerprints. Their strips help them as a comofloge and can even save their life by confusing other animals. Most zebras live in a pack, this helps them confuse their predetor because its hard to tell were one zebra ends and were the other beggins. This makes it harder for a predetor to attack them. The ways zebras deffend themselfs from predetors is by kicking them with their hind legs. Their threats are lions, leopards, cheetahs, and heyenas. Zebras are vegeterian they eat grass, fruits, bark, and roots. An intresting fact about zebras is that their teeth never stop growing this is because of all the grass and roots they chew their teeth wear down. Zebras also migrate to were theres green grass and more water. Another intresting fact is that a baby zebra can walk just 15 minutes after its born and run when its an hour old. A zebra can live up to 25 years in the wilderness


Dingoes are one of the most wild animals in Austrelia. They are know as "Wild dogs" since they look like a regular dog. Dingoes can also be found in Southeast Asia but most of them are found in Austrelia. Dingoes are a golden-redish color skinny and look just like a typical dog. They eat rodents, rabbits, lizards, birds, fruits, and plants. This dogs only breed once a year and usually will have up to 5 pups. Most of these dogs live alone or in a pack of eight other dingoes. Most dingoes live alone because its better for them for when they go hunting that means more food for themselfs.

It is really dangerouse to have these dogs as pets but still many people have them as pets. But they are really cautious and most of these people are zoo keepers or are trained to have wild animals. To have a dingoe you have to have a lot of free space and sourounded with big fences.

Polar Bears! :)

Polar bears are amazing animals. Most Polar bears live in the artic were its cold and icy. As the weather changes causing the ice to melt polar bears start heading more into the shore. Polar bears eat seals, fish, and sometimes even whales. Polar bears are hunters they stalk their prey and attack them with their massive claws. Polar bears also hunt by swimming beneath the ice. Usually polar bears will only have one or two cubs. After 3 years of learning how to hunt the cubs will go on their own way. Polar bears paws prevent them from slipping on the slippery ice because they are padded with a rought surface. Most adult male polar bears weight from about 720-1,700 pounds. Their heavy layer of fur helps them keep warm in the cold weather by observing the suns heat. Polar bears are the largest of all bears and are the largest predetors on land.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tigers are one of my favorite animals. I wished I had one but I guess it would be to dangerouse to have one as a pet. Tigers are carnivors and come in a few coat colors. The most common type of tiger is the siberian and Bengal wich is a golden-brown with black stripes. Anothor one would be the white tiger wich is white with black-blueish strips. The ghost tiger is really rare. Its simalar to a white tiger but with less strips and berly noticable. If I had the opportunity to own a tiger I would probably go for a white tiger. Believe it or not tigers are disapiering everyday because of people that kill them to use their fur.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All about Jocelyn!

Hi everyone welcome to my post my name is Jocelyn I attend Tucson High as a freshmen. I love to play sports especially soccer and baseball. I really dont have any favorite teams I just enjoy playing them. My dream is to travel around the world and move out of Tucson into Puerto Rico. My dream job is to work as a custom or a detective.

Well since I love animals and nature I decided to talk about animals in my post. I love to learn about animal behaviors in their natural habitat, what they eat, and in what coubtry their located. In this post you will have the opportunity to learn more about your favorite animals from dogs to tigers.