Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lions :DD

Hey well today i will be talking about lions. Lions are found in Africa but before that they roamed Africa, Southern Europe, and parts of Asia. Lions live in groups called prides. These prides can go up to 3 lions as much as 40. In these prides lions raise their cubs, defend their terretory, and hunt prey. In these prides female lions are the ones who do most of the hunting and cub rearing. Female lions are called lionesses and most of the time they are all related either mother and daughters or sisters. Something really unique is that they have birth to their cubs about at the same time and a cub can feed from other females aswell as its own mother. The males responsibility in the pride is to protect and defend the prides territory. Mostly male lions only stay in the pride for about 4 years then they go on their own way. When a new male takes over the pride it is often the case for him to kill all the cubs ensuring that all future cubs will have his genes. Lions loud roar is often herd after sunset raund up stray members of the pride. This roar can be herd 5 miles away.

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